Privacy Plicy

Privacy Policy

Givery, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") acknowledges the importance of protecting personal information. The details regarding the handling of personal information by our company are as follows:

1.Our Efforts

We, at our company, adhere to JISQ15001:2017 (Personal information protection management systems-Requirements), protect personal information by implementing appropriate security measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information in our possession or use, all pursuant to rigorous information management education. Personal information acquisition is carried out within the necessary scope for the execution of our business, following the requirements stipulated by laws and regulations and employing suitable methods. Furthermore, our company complies with laws and regulations, guidelines set by the government, and other standards regarding the protection of personal information, while striving to protect personal information. Please refer separately to our "Personal Information Protection Policy" for more details.

2.Acquisition of Personal Information

Our company may acquire the following information, which is collectively referred to as "Personal Information, etc." about customers (meaning contractors and users of services provided by our company, and the services are hereafter referred to as "our services"), our business partners (hereinafter referred to as "clients"), our employees, and individuals who have applied for employment at our company (hereinafter referred to as "job applicants"):

    • (a) Name
    • (b) Email address
    • (c) External service account linked with our services by customers
    • (d) Gender
    • (e) Postal code
    • (f) Address
    • (g) Date of birth
    • (h) Location information
    • (i) Other personal information (which shall include information defined as "personal information" in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information)
    • (j) Log data
    • (k) Cookies
    • (l) Web beacons or other information generated or accumulated upon the devices used for our services by customers in connection with customers or in connection with the devices used for our services by customers

    ((a) through (i) is hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information” and (j) through (l) is hereinafter referred to as “Usage Information”. (a) through (l) are collectively referred to as “Personal Information, etc.”)

3.Use of Personal Information

Personal information held by our company shall be used only within the scope of the following purposes of utilization, and only persons who have been granted authorization depending upon specific duties may use it to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.

  1. (i) Purpose of Utilization of Personal Information about Customers (Customer Information)

    • For proposing, selling, or providing products, services, and support to customers
    • For displaying information which may be beneficial to customers about our company's other services or our business partners’ products, services, events, seminars, and the like, on our company’s website that the customers access or on devices of other customers who have registered as members. This information may also be used to send information through electronic mail or postal services. (Please note that customers can request to stop or resume the use by notifying our company.)
    • For responding to inquiries or requests from customers.
    • For creating processed data by aggregating and analyzing the attributes of personal information of customers so that individuals cannot be identified nor specified (hereinafter referred to as "statistical data") and using such data in the performance of our businesses such as provision of our services or development of new services, etc.
  2. (ii) Purpose of Utilization of Personal Information about Clients (Client Information)

    • Reporting and communicating related to our company's business.
    • Providing information and communicating, etc. to the persons of the client assigned by client.
    • Execution of tasks entrusted by clients.
    • For payments and invoicing with clients.
    • Creation and submission of various business documents such as quotations.
  3. (iii) Purpose of Utilization of Personal Information about Job Applicants (Job Applicant Information)

    • For contacting and reporting to job applicants.
    • For the recruitment and selection process.
    • For gathering opinions and requests regarding the recruitment and selection process.

4.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide personal information entrusted to us to third parties without the consent of the individual concerned. When providing personal information to third parties, except for the cases of orders pursuant to laws or regulations, etc. we will always obtain the prior consent of the individual concerned.

5.Entrustment of Personal Information

In order to carry out the aforementioned purposes of utilization, our company may entrust the handling of entrusted Personal Information, etc., etc. to third parties. When entrusting the handling of Personal Information, etc., etc. to third parties, we will carefully select persons that meet sufficient standards for protection of personal information, provide guidance and supervision, and handle personal information appropriately.

6.Disclosure and Correction, etc. of Personal Information

Requests for disclosure, etc. (notice of the purpose of utilization, inquiries about content, correction, addition, suspension, deletion, refusal of use or provision) of personal data held or records of provision of personal data to a third party, will be appropriately addressed by our designated contact point, within the legally required and reasonable scope. To facilitate this process, we will verify the identity of the requester and the details of the request using necessary documents specified by our company. Please make your request through the contact information provided below.

  1. a) Name of Entity Handling Personal Information

    【Our Company】
    Givery, Inc.
    【Representative's Name】
    Representative Director and President Takashi Ide
    Teito Shibuya Bldg., 8F, 15-13, Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0036, Japan

  2. b) Personal Information Protection Manager

    【Personal Information Protection Officer】
    Taiga Katsumata

  3. c) Purpose of Utilization of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure

    【Client Information】
    ・Communication and reporting related to business transactions
    ・Communication and reporting related to our company's business
    【Inquiry Information】
    ・Providing responses and communication related to inquiries
    【Job Applicant Information】
    ・Communication and reporting related to job applications
    ・As criteria for recruitment decisions

  4. d) Complaint Contact for Handling

    【Contact for Inquiries Regarding the Handling of Personal Information】
    ・Address : Teito Shibuya Bldg., 8F, 15-13, Nanpeidai-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0036, Japan
    ・To : Givery, Inc. Personal Information Inquiry Contact.
    ・Mail :
    ・Personal Information Protection Complaints and Consultation Officer : Taiga Katsumata

  5. e) Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization to Which Our Company Belongs

    【Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization】
    【Contact for Filing Resolution of Complaints Regarding the Handling of Personal Information】
    Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization Secretariat
    Inside Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    【Phone Numbers】

  6. f) Procedure for Requesting Disclosure, etc.

    【Acceptance and Submission Method】
    Requests for disclosure, etc. from the individual concerned or their representative will be accepted when the "Personal Information Disclosure, etc. Request Form" is submitted to the designated contact via fax or online transmission using email, etc.

    【Verification of the Individual Concerned】
    We will generally verify the identity of the individual concerned by having copies of the following documents submitted via fax:
    ・Driver's license
    ・Basic resident registration card (with photo)
    ・Health insurance card
    ・Residence Card (if there are unavoidable circumstances, a copy)

    【Requests by an Agent】
    If you wish to make a request through an agent, please contact the designated contact separately for further guidance.

    In regard to requests for disclosure, etc., "notice of purpose of utilization" or "inquiry of contents," a fee of 1,000 yen will be charged. Please inquire at the contact point for payment methods.

  7. g) Security Control Measures

    Our company take the following measures for the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage and for other security control of the personal data handled by us:

    (1) Establishment of Basic Policies

    To ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have established basic policies regarding “compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines”, “matters related to security control measures”, and “contact points for questions and complaints,” etc.

    (2) Establishment of Rules for Handling of Personal Data

    We have established rules and manuals for the handling of personal data, which concern the methods of handling, persons in charge, persons assigned, and their duties for each stage of acquiring, using, storing, providing, deleting, and disposing, etc. of personal data.

    (3) Organizational Security Control Measures

    We have appointed persons in charge for handling of personal data, clarified employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by the employees, and established a reporting and communicating system to persons in charge in the event that facts or signs of any violations of laws or handling regulations are detected.
    We conduct regular self-inspection and also undergo audits by other departments or external entities in regard to the status of the handling of personal data.

    (4) Human Security Control Measures

    We provide regular training to employees regarding matters of concern for handling personal data. Matters related to maintaining the confidentiality of personal data are included in our rules of employment.

    (5) Physical Security Control Measures

    In areas where personal data is handled, we implement access control of employees, restriction on devices, etc., they may bring in, as well as measures to prevent access to personal data by unauthorized individuals.
    We also take measures to prevent theft or loss, etc. of devices, electronic media, and documents, etc. that handle personal data. We have implemented measures to prevent personal data from being revealed when carrying such devices, electronic media, etc. including transportation within our premises.

    (6) Technical Security Control Measures

    We implement access controls and limit the persons assigned and the scope of the personal data handled.
    We have introduced mechanisms to protect information systems handling personal data from unauthorized access and malicious software from external sources.

    (7) Understanding of External Environment

    We implement security control measures based on our understanding of the systems related to personal data protection in the foreign countries where personal data is stored.

7.Limitations in Case that Personal Information, etc. Cannot Be Provided

Whether or not you provide personal information, etc. is voluntary. However, if you do not consent to the provision of personal information, there may be cases where you cannot use all or part of our company's services, and other limitations may arise.

8.Acquisition and Use of Usage Information through Methods Unrecognizable by the Individual Concerned

On our website and within our services, programs, etc. provided either by ourselves or other advertisers, etc. are utilized to conduct Behavioral Targeting Advertising (an advertising method through which advertisements are delivered based on customer interests and preferences, using site browsing information and other data) on specific websites. In doing so, we use cookies to gather information about customer website visit history.
Customers who wish to disable this type of advertising can access the opt-out page provided by advertisers to disable the use of cookies. Furthermore, even if there is a possibility of identifying individuals from the data we collect, we will not perform such re-identification. Our company may use or provide to third parties the information acquired through the use of cookies, for the following purposes:

  • Delivering advertisements tailored to customer interests and preferences
  • Providing analysis and consultation to clients on advertising effectiveness
  • Proposing products, improvements to services, and new product development to clients


In order to strengthen the protection of the personal information, etc. we handle, and in response to changes in applicable laws or regulations, guidelines set by the government, or other standards, our company may revise the contents of this "Privacy Policy."

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